
Welcome to my diary page! It's in my MSN font so it feels a little more like it's me talking here, hehe... cos it is... yeah. Shut up, Emma! *Shuts up - and not a moment too soon!*

 Soooo, it occurred to me that I really hate thinking about you but not being able to talk to you... so I decided that this would be a good way of doing it. It's kinda like a LiveJournal, except it's one with a very exclusive viewers' list! Although I suppose that it's more like daily notes to you than a diary... after all, I now own a diary! YAY!!! This is wonderful, because it's a perfect solution to missing you madly. Just gotta work out how to make this WORK... but yeah. This bit here will be update from time to time, I expect, seeing as this is barely worth reading once let alone more than that!!!

Entries (so far!)...

Tuesday 12th July

Wednesday 13th July

~ Links ~


Tuesday 12th July

Heyyy, I'm so excited about you seeing this website, even though I'm sure it'll no longer live up to expectations sadly. Won't ramble just yet though, seeing as I haven't yet created it entirely and you'll be home soon!!!


Wednesday 13th July

DUH it isn't wednesday yet!